Space suits in Joint Replacement Surgery

During joint replacement surgery, bones ends are cut using a power saw and cement is used to fix large
metallic implants to the bone. All these increase the chance of infection even from minor
contamination. To reduce the contamination from the operating team, " Body Exhaust System" or " Space
Suit" is worn by the operating team.
The normal surgical attire still consists of a cotton gown, which loses sterility within seconds after
wearing, once it gets wet with sweat. The routine cap and mask do not prevent sweat or saliva droplets
from operating the team from entering the wound.
The " Space Suit" system consists of a helmet with a battery-operated fan, a gown made up of a special
fabric that does not wet with water or blood, thus maintains the sterility throughout the long surgical
procedure. The visor helps in preventing sweat and saliva droplets from contaminating the wound.
Although such space suits are an additional cost in joint replacement surgery, at the Race Knee Clinic we
prefer such space suits to reduce the possibility of infection to the minimum.

For more information please contact Dr.Dhiraj Marothi Jain at  09408142999
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For Appointments Call at +91-9081977001


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